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Donate Now to Claim Your KY Tax Credit!

06/27/2024 10:37 AM | Anonymous

Did you know that the Kentucky Horse Council has created an endowment fund through the Blue Grass Community Foundation? BGCF connects charitable individuals, families, businesses, communities and nonprofit organizations with causes they care about – a perpetual endowment provides the KHC with annual support perpetually.

Please consider supporting the KHC through the Blue Grass Community Foundation – donating in this way can give you a great perk: tax credits through Endow Kentucky! Individuals and businesses who pay taxes in Kentucky can receive a credit of up to 20 percent of the value of a gift made to endowed funds held at community foundations – and the KHC endowment fund qualifies for this tax credit! $1 million in tax credits will become available on July 1 and are often gone in a matter of weeks -- so now is the time to start planning.

If you’re interested in learning more about the tax credit, or completing a tax credit application, email the KHC office at

Have additional questions? Email Scott Fitzpatrick (, Halee Cunningham ( or Lisa Adkins (, or call 859-225-3343.

Tax Credit Tips:

  • There is no minimum gift to qualify for this tax credit!
  • Contributions don’t have to be cash or check -- appreciated stock, life insurance policies or real estate may qualify for the tax credit
  • You don’t need to itemize your taxes to take advantage of the tax credit
  • All you need to do is fill out an application – BGCF takes care of the rest!

Make plans to donate today to claim your tax credit! Kentucky horses thank you.

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Office: 859-367-0509


Fax: 866-618-3837


4037 Iron Works Parkway

 Suite 120

Lexington, Kentucky 40511

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