Legislation Laws and regulations have a significant impact on horse owners, whether a business or a hobby. Tax laws affect business pursuits, environmental regulations affect all who care for horses, land management The Horse Council carefully chooses which bills they will support each year, and often initiates bills which will help the industry. Recently our efforts have been in updating Horse Welfare bills, most of which were written in the 1940's and are woefully out of date. The Horse Council Legislative Committee reviews each equine bill that is filed, and decides whether a KHC position statement is necessary. If it is, they will draft that statement and submit it to the board for a vote. Position statements are then sent to legislators, members and any other equine organizations that might be affected or might want to also get involved. In addition, KHC is routinely invited to testify before the Joint Horse Farming Sub-Committee, on issues that are current for the horse industry. We are viewed as a neutral and credible source of information about the industry. For more information about legislation, please email the office at info@kentuckyhorse.org. |